yum install -y boost boost-devel pcre pcre-devel wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/scons/files/scons/2.1.0.alpha.20101125/scons-2.1.0.alpha.20101125.tar.gz/download tar xvf scons-2.1.0.alpha.20101125.tar.gz cd scons-2.1.0.alpha.20101125 python setup.py install cd .. wget http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/js/js-1.7.0.tar.gz tar zxvf js-1.7.0.tar.gz cd js/src/ export CFLAGS="-DJS_C_STRINGS_ARE_UTF8" make -f Makefile.ref JS_DIST=/usr gmake -f Makefile.ref export cd ../..
wget http://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-linux-i686-2.0.4.tgz tar xvf http://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-linux-i686-2.0.4.tgz mv mongodb-linux-i686-2.0.4 /usr/local/mongodb mkdir -pv /usr/local/mongodb/data /usr/local/mongodb/etc /usr/local/mongodb/log
cat > /usr/local/mongodb/etc/mongod.conf <<'EOF' # log file to send write to instead of stdout – has to be a file, not directory logpath=/usr/local/mongodb/log/mongod.log # append to logpath instead of over-writing logappend=true # fork and run in background fork = true # specify port number port = 27017 # comma separated list of ip addresses to listen on – all local ips by default #bind_ip = # directory for datafiles dbpath = /usr/local/mongodb/data # full path to pidfile (if not set, no pidfile is created) pidfilepath = /usr/local/mongodb/log/mongod.pid # Enables periodic logging of CPU utilization and I/O wait #cpu = true # Turn on/off security. Off is currently the default #noauth = true auth = true # Verbose logging output. #verbose = true # Inspect all client data for validity on receipt (useful for # developing drivers) #objcheck = true # Enable db quota management quota = true # Set oplogging level where n is # 0=off (default) # 1=W # 2=R # 3=both # 7=W+some reads #oplog = 0 # Diagnostic/debugging option #nocursors = true # Ignore query hints #nohints = true # Disable the HTTP interface (Defaults to localhost:27018). #nohttpinterface = true # Turns off server-side scripting. This will result in greatly limited # functionality #noscripting = true # Turns off table scans. Any query that would do a table scan fails. #notablescan = true # Disable data file preallocation. #noprealloc = true # Specify .ns file size for new databases. nssize = 16 # Accout token for Mongo monitoring server. #mms-token = <token> # Server name for Mongo monitoring server. #mms-name = <server-name> # Ping interval for Mongo monitoring server. #mms-interval = <seconds> # Replication Options # in replicated mongo databases, specify here whether this is a slave or master #slave = true #source = master.example.com # Slave only: specify a single database to replicate #only = master.example.com # or #master = true #source = slave.example.com EOF
cat > /etc/rc.d/init.d/mongod <<'EOF' #!/bin/bash # # mongodb Startup script for the mongodb server # # chkconfig: - 64 36 # description: MongoDB Database Server # # processname: mongodb # # Source function library . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions prog="mongod" mongod="/usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod" OPTIONS=" -f /usr/local/mongodb/etc/mongod.conf" RETVAL=0 start() { echo -n $"Starting $prog: " $mongod $OPTIONS RETVAL=$? echo [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /usr/local/mongodb/log/$prog return $RETVAL } stop() { echo -n $"Stopping $prog: " killproc $prog RETVAL=$? echo [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /usr/local/mongodb/log/$prog return $RETVAL } reload() { echo -n $"Reloading $prog: " killproc $prog -HUP RETVAL=$? echo return $RETVAL } case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; restart) stop start ;; condrestart) if [ -f /usr/local/mongodb/log/$prog ]; then stop start fi ;; reload) reload ;; status) status $mongod RETVAL=$? ;; *) echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|condrestart|reload|status}" RETVAL=1 esac exit $RETVAL EOF # 执行权限 chmod a+x /etc/rc.d/init.d/mongod # 添加到开机启动项 chkconfig --add mongod chkconfig mongod on
wget http://pecl.php.net/get/mongo-1.2.2.tgz tar zxf mongo-1.2.2.tgz cd mongo-1.2.2 phpize ./configure make && make install
[MongoDB] extension=mongo.so成功的话phpinfo()会看到mongo一项
vim /usr/local/mongodb/etc/mongod.conf # 打开 master = true source = #slave_ip
vim /usr/local/mongodb/etc/mongod.conf # 打开 slave = true source = #master_ip
数据同步大致流程是 :当一个slave启动时,它会对master进行一次彻底同步。slave将复制master中的每一个数据。当初始化完成后slave将查询master的oplog并执行这些操作来保持数据跟新。
use admin db.runCommand({'resync':1})或者自动执行:在启动slave时使用 --autoresync选项。因为resync是非常操作量大且耗时,最好通过设置一个足够大的oplogSize来避免resync(默认的 oplog大小是空闲磁盘大小的5%)。
#进入数据库admin use admin; #增加或修改用户密码 db.addUser('name','pwd'); #查看用户列表 db.system.users.find(); #用户认证 db.auth('name','pwd'); #删除用户 db.removeUser('name'); #查看所有用户 show users; #查看所有数据库 show dbs; #查看所有的collection show collections; #查看各collection的状态 db.printCollectionStats(); #查看主从复制状态 db.printReplicationInfo(); #修复数据库 db.repairDatabase(); #设置记录profiling(0=off 1=slow 2=all) db.setProfilingLevel(1); #查看profiling show profile; #拷贝数据库 db.copyDatabase('mail_addr','mail_addr_tmp'); #删除collection db.mail_addr.drop(); #删除当前的数据库 db.dropDatabase();
#存储嵌套的对象 db.foo.save({'name':'ysz','address':{'city':'beijing','post':100096},'phone':[138,139]}); #存储数组对象 db.user_addr.save({'Uid':'yushunzhi@sohu.com','Al':['test-1@sohu.com','test-2@sohu.com']}); #根据query条件修改,如果不存在则插入,允许修改多条记录 db.foo.update({'yy':5},{'$set':{'xx':2}},upsert=true,multi=true); #删除yy=5的记录 db.foo.remove({'yy':5}); #删除所有的记录 db.foo.remove();
#增加索引:1(ascending),-1(descending) db.foo.ensureIndex({firstname: 1, lastname: 1}, {unique: true}); #索引子对象 db.user_addr.ensureIndex({'Al.Em': 1}); #查看索引信息 db.foo.getIndexes(); db.foo.getIndexKeys(); #根据索引名删除索引 db.user_addr.dropIndex('Al.Em_1');
#查找所有 db.foo.find(); #查找一条记录 db.foo.findOne(); #根据条件检索10条记录 db.foo.find({'msg':'Hello 1'}).limit(10); #sort排序 db.deliver_status.find({'From':'ixigua@sina.com'}).sort({'Dt',-1}); db.deliver_status.find().sort({'Ct':-1}).limit(1); #count操作 db.user_addr.count(); #distinct操作,查询指定列,去重复 db.foo.distinct('msg'); #”>=”(大于等于)操作 db.foo.find({"timestamp": {"$gte" : 2}}); #子对象的查找 db.foo.find({'address.city':'beijing'});
#查看collection数据的大小 db.deliver_status.dataSize(); #查看colleciont状态 db.deliver_status.stats(); #查询所有索引的大小 db.deliver_status.totalIndexSize();
#条件操作符 $gt : > $lt : < $gte: >= $lte: <= $ne : !=、<> $in : in $nin: not in $all: all $not: 反匹配(1.3.3及以上版本)